ヒナコタビダチ。赤いきもの kimono illustration

ヒナコタビダチ。赤いきもの kimono illustration_f0172313_15223292.jpg
"Hinako graduation"

Spring in Japan starts from graduation season.
(Black tube is the diploma holder.)

I put a lot of heart on girl's melancholy face
Everyone has a farewell and a new encounter of something.
So, I'd like to remind you of the small memories.

It is a work that draw down forpeach spring Saryobeing held. We try to mark the smiled a smile facial expression in your work, but I tried to O'scooped a mysterious plane in which a woman's heart.

ヒナコタビダチ。赤いきもの kimono illustration_f0172313_15252943.jpg



by mayuminillustnote | 2016-03-02 16:33 | 女性 着物 和 | Comments(0)

Mayumin works&news

by mayuminillustnote